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Customize Telerik RadCartesianChart XMLDataProvider

I have WPF application RadCartesianChart 

This is the code of one of them......

  <telerik:RadCartesianChart x:Name="RadChart1"     Palette="Windows8"  DataContext="{Binding XPath=/Nodes/Node,Source={StaticResource xml_Chart}}">

                <telerik:CategoricalAxis Background="#FFF50000" />
                <telerik:LinearAxis />
                <telerik:BarSeries CategoryBinding="{Binding XPath=@shortTime}"
                                   ValueBinding="{Binding XPath=Item/@value}"
                                   ItemsSource="{Binding}"   ShowLabels="True">

I want to work with xml..

<telerik:BarSeries CategoryBinding="{Binding XPath=@shortTime}"
                                   ValueBinding="{Binding XPath=Item/@value}"
                                   ItemsSource="{Binding}"   ShowLabels="True">

I can not run it. Help..... Thanks.