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Automated Build

I am working to create an Automated Build (vNext Build) on a Build Server.  We do not want to install Infragistics on the build server. I do see that adding Hint paths and creating a blank licences.licx file works.  Is there a better way without having to switch the licences.licx file back and forth?


  • 375
    Offline posted

    Hello Tony,

    The licences.licx file is usually generated automatically from Visual Studio and holds references to every control and its assembly used in your project.
    If using a source control, it is generally considered a good practice to check-in an empty licx file, so that someone with a different version of the controls can also be able to build the project.
    Another solution is to add a step to your build to clear-out your licx file before compiling your project.

    Let me know if you need any additional help.

    DevOps Engineer

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