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Month Datepicker in Grid



Currently I'm in a development, and I need create a grid with updating(add) option; the required data type fields are: combo and datepicker. I've defined:

In the datapicker I just need to show the selection of months and years; without showing the days. I have searched your documentation( & and forums but I do not see anywhere that you have that type of configuration in your component.


My current result is the following:

And what I really need is something like this:

Additional: Another flaw that happens to me is that whenever I click for the first time when adding a new row, it shows me the following message by default, which at the level of user experience is very annoying and I do not know how I could eliminate it.

After the click:

Thanks in advance


    //TEST ***********************************************
        var dsT = [
            { "pkk": 1230, "ElementoPEP": "Elemento PEP", "CuentaIngIntegra": "Cuenta Ingresos Integra", "InicioVigencia": "20161120","FinVigencia":"20171120" },
            { "pkk": 1231, "ElementoPEP": "Elemento PEP", "CuentaIngIntegra": "Cuenta Ingresos Integra", "InicioVigencia": "20161120","FinVigencia":"01/2019" },
            { "pkk": 1232, "ElementoPEP": "Elemento PEP", "CuentaIngIntegra": "Cuenta Ingresos Integra", "InicioVigencia": "20161120","FinVigencia":"02/2019" },
            { "pkk": 1233, "ElementoPEP": "Elemento PEP", "CuentaIngIntegra": "Cuenta Ingresos Integra", "InicioVigencia": "20180301","FinVigencia":"03/2019" },
            { "pkk": 1234, "ElementoPEP": "Elemento PEP", "CuentaIngIntegra": "Cuenta Ingresos Integra", "InicioVigencia": "20161120","FinVigencia":"04/2019" },
            { "pkk": 1235, "ElementoPEP": "Elemento PEP", "CuentaIngIntegra": "Cuenta Ingresos Integra", "InicioVigencia": "20161120","FinVigencia":"05/2019" },
            { "pkk": 1236, "ElementoPEP": "Elemento PEP", "CuentaIngIntegra": "Cuenta Ingresos Integra", "InicioVigencia": "20170105","FinVigencia":"06/2019" },
            { "pkk": 1237, "ElementoPEP": "Elemento PEP", "CuentaIngIntegra": "Cuenta Ingresos Integra", "InicioVigencia": "20161120","FinVigencia":"07/2019" }

        var PART_STATUSone = [
          {"Name": "TEST 1", "ID": 1}, 
          {"Name": "TEST 2", "ID": 2}, 
          {"Name": "TEST 3", "ID": 3}, 
          {"Name": "TEST 4", "ID": 4}, 
          {"Name": "TEST 5", "ID": 5}, 
          {"Name": "TEST 6", "ID": 6},
          {"Name": "TEST 7", "ID": 7}

        var PART_STATUStwo = [
          {"Name": "TEST 11", "ID": 11}, 
          {"Name": "TEST 12", "ID": 12}, 
          {"Name": "TEST 13", "ID": 13}, 
          {"Name": "TEST 14", "ID": 14}, 
          {"Name": "TEST 15", "ID": 15}, 
          {"Name": "TEST 16", "ID": 16},
          {"Name": "TEST 17", "ID": 17}

        // Min. Date ///////////////////////////////////
        var startdate = dsT[0].InicioVigencia;
        for (let prop in dsT) {
          if(moment(dsT[prop].InicioVigencia).diff(moment(startdate)) > 0)
            startdate = dsT[prop].InicioVigencia;
        var new_date = new Date(moment(startdate, "YYYYMMDD").add(1,'month'));         
        /////////////////////////////////// Min. Date //   

          autoGenerateColumns: false,
          renderCheckboxes: true,
          primaryKey: "pkk",

          columns: [
                  { headerText: "Elemento PEP", key: "ElementoPEP", dataType: "string" },
                  { headerText: "Cuenta Ingresos Integra", key: "CuentaIngIntegra", dataType: "string" },
                  { headerText: "Inicio Vigencia", key: "InicioVigencia", dataType: "date", format: "MM/yyyy" },
                  { headerText: "Fin Vigencia", key: "FinVigencia", dataType: "date", format: "MM/yyyy" },
                  { headerText: "PK", key: "pkk", dataType: "number", hidden: true }],
          dataSource: dsT,
          dataSourceType: "json",
          responseDataKey: "results",

          features: [
                name: "Updating",
                enableAddRow: true,
                editMode: "none",
                enableDeleteRow: false,
                rowEditDialogContainment: "owner",
                showReadonlyEditors: false,
                enableDataDirtyException: false,

                columnSettings: [
                      columnKey: "ElementoPEP",
                      editorType: "combo",
                      required: true,
                      editorOptions: {
                          dataSource: PART_STATUSone
                      columnKey: "CuentaIngIntegra",
                      editorType: "combo",
                      required: true,
                      editorOptions: {
                          dataSource: PART_STATUStwo
                    columnKey: "InicioVigencia",
                    editorType: "datepicker",
                    validation: true,
                    required: true,
                    dataMode: "date", 
                    dateDisplayFormat: "MM/yyyy", 
                    editorOptions: {
                      disabled: false,
                      minValue: new_date,
                      changeMonth: true,
                      changeYear: true
                    columnKey: "FinVigencia", 
                    editorType: "datepicker" 
              name: "Paging",
              type: "local",
              pageSize: 7
              name: "Selection",
              mode: "row",
              multipleSelection: false


No Data
  • 485
    Offline posted

    Hello, Renzo


    The yellow validation message shows up because your DataSource doesn’t have proper JavaScript Date objects.

    Instead you are using strings and later your calculations (for example the new_date variable) are incorrect. After that you pass it to the grid during initialization and that causes the issue.

    Regarding the custom Month/Year DatePicker: see the code sample I provided.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    		<script src=""></script>
    		<script src=""></script>
    		<script src=""></script>
    		<script src=""></script>
    		<script src=""></script>
    		<script src=""></script>
    		<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    		<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    				display: none;
    <table id="grid"></table>
    	var dataSrc = [
    		{ "ID": 10249, "Date": "2/2017", "Name": "Toms Spezialitäten"},
    		{ "ID": 10250, "Date": "3/2017", "Name": "Hanari Carnes"},
    		{ "ID": 10251, "Date": "3/2017", "Name": "Victuailles en stock"},
    		{ "ID": 10248, "Date": "4/2017", "Name": "Vins et alcools Chevalier"},
    		{ "ID": 10252, "Date": "4/2017", "Name": "Suprêmes délices"},
    		{ "ID": 10253, "Date": "6/2017", "Name": "Hanari Carnes"},
    		{ "ID": 10254, "Date": "7/2017", "Name": "Chop-suey Chinese"}
    	$(function () {
    			dataSource: dataSrc,       
    			autoGenerateColumns: false, 
    			primaryKey: "ID",
    			columns: [ 
    				{ key: 'ID', dataType: 'number', headerText: 'ID', width: '20%', readOnly: true }, 
    				{ key: 'Name', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'Name', width: '60%'},
    				{ key: 'Date', dataType: 'date', format: 'MM/yyyy', width: '20%'},
    			features: [
    					name: "Resizing",
    					deferredResizing: false,
    					allowDoubleClickToResize: true
    					name: "Filtering",
    					type: "local",
    					filterDialogContainment: "window",
    					mode: "advanced"
    					name: "Updating",
    					editMode: "cell",
    					enableAddRow: true,
    					enableDeleteRow: true,
    					columnSettings: [
    							editorType: "datepicker",
    							dataMode: "date",
    								datepickerOptions: {
    									changeYear: true,
    									onChangeMonthYear: () => {
    										var month = $(".ui-datepicker-month :selected").val();
    										var year = $(".ui-datepicker-year :selected").text();
    										var editor = $('#grid').igGridUpdating("editorForKey", "Date");
    										editor.igDatePicker("value", new Date(year, month, 1));
    			width: "75%",


    If you need any additional assistance, feel free to contact me.


    Best Regards,

    Vasil Pavlov

    Associate Software Developer

    Infragistics, Inc.

No Data