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Numeric format masks with commas for thousands

I have an Angular 7 app using reactive forms with a numeric input box:

<input igxInput name="marketValue" type="number" formControlName="marketValue"/>

The users have requested to see commas every 1000 when they are typing in a large number. For example, 100,000,000.  Do you have any way to accomplish this?  Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks as always,


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    Hello Jeff,

    After investigating this further, I determined that your requirement could be achieved by setting a mask to the igxInput. The mask would accept only numbers and on every third number a comma would be set:

    <input #ssn name="number" type="text"





    I have prepared a sample, demonstrating the described behavior. Please test it on your side and let me know if you need any further information regarding this matter.

    Monika Kirkova,
