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<igx-geographic-map> Bing Maps Screenshot is blank when it is captured through ngx capture service

Hi Team,

I am using ngx capture service(npm i ngx-capture) to take screenshot of the geographic imagery of Bing Maps. The capture service is returning blank image with markers but not renders the map/geographic location. Can someone please let me know if there is any method to capture the Bing maps screen completely.

Below is my code and sample images attached 

capture() {

const dimensions = this.screen.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
this.captureService.getImage(this.screen.nativeElement, false, {
width: dimensions.width,
height: dimensions.height,
useCORS: true,
tap((img) => {
this.imgBase64 = img;
).subscribe(img => {

And my html looks like this

<div class="mt-2" #screen>
<igx-geographic-map #map class="mapcontainer" [zoomable]="true">
<ng-template let-series="series" let-item="item" #geocodeTemplate>
<span class="small"><b>Latitude :</b> {{item.latitude}} </span> <br />
<span class="small"><b>Longitude :</b> {{item.longitude}} </span> <br />

Saved image displays marker locations but not Map, I have attached both expected Map and currently how its downloading.

Thanks in advance 

Expected Screenshot

Actual Screenshot how ngx capture service is returning

  • 34510
    Offline posted

    Hello Sushmita,

    My team and I have done an initial review of this thread, and I believe we will require a bit more information on this. Can you please provide some additional information regarding the following?

    1. Are you receiving any sort of error or warning in the console window of the browser when you go to capture the image? If so, what is the error you are receiving?

    2. At what point are you trying to capture the image? (e.g. On button click after the map has loaded / some other time?)

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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