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Igx-tree-grid is very slow with 1000 records

I'm Using igx-tree-grid in my angular application. I am getting around 1200 records from the API and forming a tree with children. On the initial load the grid is very slow and unresponsive for the vertical scroll.

RowHeight is changed(25px).

Total around 15 columns. 10 columns have cellClasses

P.S I don't need pagination

Thanks for help.

  • 1560
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted


    I have been looking into your question and prepared a small sample based on the provided details, however, on my side, everything seems to work as expected and there is no issue while the grid is rendered initially.

    Here could be found my sample for your reference. Please test it on your side and let me know how it behaves. If this is not an accurate demonstration of what you are trying to achieve please feel free to modify it and send it back to me along with steps to reproduce.

    In addition, a topic that you might consider useful could be found here.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Teodosia Hristodorova
    Software Developer

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