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igCombo igcombodropdownclosing event firing twice

Hello there,

I am trying to intervene when a user makes a new selection in the igCombo box and there are still pending changes on the page.

I find that I cannot use the "igcomboselectionchanging" event, because this also fires when the user is entering text to find and item (using autocomplete).

so I subscribed to the igcombodropdownclosing event like this to handle all igCombo closing events: $("body").on("igcombodropdownclosing", handleClosing);

this is the handleClosing function:

function handleClosing(evt, ui) { 

       if (!confirmContinueWithPendingChanges()) {    


        return false;   

     } else {        


        return true;        }    }

As you can also see, I use ui.owner.closeDropDown(); explicitly here because when returning false in the dropdownclosing event, the dropdown seems to be broken. I guess this is a bug?! ui.owner.closeDropDown() is NOT triggering the second call of igcombodropdownclosing tho!

So the problem is, everything is working as expected, ONLY, the "igcombodropdownclosing " event is triggered twice!

Can you please investigate this problem and provide me with a solution OR provide me with another way to achieve what I'm trying to do?

Please also ask further if you need more info/code.

Greetings, John

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