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infragistics.lob.js:405 - Uncaught Error: Selection is required when there are checkboxes enabled


We downloaded Infragistics Professional 2016 VOL 1

Getting an error - infragistics.lob.js:405 - Uncaught Error: Selection is required when there are checkboxes enabled

Any Idea what this could be?

  • 17590
    Offline posted


    In order to ensure that I will provide you with better and more accurate support I will need some additional information. Are you using Row Selectors feature of igGrid and setting its enableCheckboxes option to true? Please keep in mind that Row Selectors feature requires Selection feature to be enabled. 

    If this is not the case can you please provide me more details regarding your scenario and a small sample where the issue is reproducible. This is going to be highly appreciated and will help me in my further investigation.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

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