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Add custom ajax data when creating, update, delete or get from datasourceurl

Hello, Iam using ASP MVC5 with IgniteUI 2016.2.

How can I add custom data like token or other data when IgniteUI do some ajax to my controller?

  • 2155
    Offline posted


    If you wish to add some tokens to DataSourceUrl, you may want to use igGrid’s dataSourceObject method.

    The following is an example to add a parameter to DataSourceUrl at runtime.

            var queryString = $('#grid1).igGrid('dataSourceObject');
            $('#grid1).igGrid('dataSourceObject', queryString + "?myParameter=XXXX");


            //Clear the parameter. 
            $('#grid1).igGrid('dataSourceObject', queryString);

    dataSourceObject method

    In order to add a parameter to UpdateUrl which is used when grid’s data is updated(added or removed), you have access to updateUrl string from the grid’s dataSource.settings like below.

                    var strUpdateUrl = $("#grid1").data("igGrid").dataSource.settings.updateUrl;
                    $("#grid1").data("igGrid").dataSource.settings.updateUrl = strUpdateUrl + "?myParameter=XXXX";

                    //Clear the parameter.
                    $("#grid1").data("igGrid").dataSource.settings.updateUrl = strUpdateUrl;

    Thank you,
    Mihoko Kamiishi

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