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Wrong date on Multiheader and Hierarchical Grid


I try to make grid with multiheader column and hierarchical grid. I create multiheader column grid with razor helper and hierarchical grid from controller. But when I show date, it always -1 from data that I send. For example, data source send to browser with value /Date(1456765200000) but it shows as 29 Feb 2016.

If I remove a few lines about multicolumn header in grid, date shows correctly.

It happen when I use either Multicolumn Header Grid or normal grid child in Hierarchical Grid.

Is there any solution?


  • 1235

    Hello Johnny,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics support!

    Please provide me with a sample, since I could not reproduce your issue.

    Thanks in advance,
    Ivaylo Hubenov
    Entry-level developer

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