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Grid hierarchical scroll bar not scrolling to the full table (child) length.

I have  a grid hierarchical with the child table longer than the parent. The scroll bar is set to the same width as the parent and partial of the child table is not visible due the scroll bar not extending to the full length of the child table. I using ignite ui 2016.2. 

Does anyone experience the same issues and have a fix to this? Thanks

  • 275
    Offline posted

    Hello Son,

    Are you setting the widths in pixels? I noticed a similar behavior to that you described for example when the child and the parent both have 1000px.
    We will investigate this further to see if this is expected behavior.

    If this is the case for the time being I would suggest setting the width of the child to "100%". It would take the full possible width for a child and display scrollbars if needed.

    Let me know if you need more information.

    Svetoslav Krastev,

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