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Set value on Html Editor

Hi All,

Please help me how to set text on HTML Editor. When my form loads, the html editor should be expty and when in Edit mode only the text should be set as html. I am developing a MVC application. here is my code:

        HtmlEditorFor(x => x.InternalNotes).
        HtmlAttributes(new Dictionary<string, object> { { "class", "htmleditor" } }).

x.InternalNotes ="Test Please ignore the content" (its a string property)

but when in Edit mode, it loads as follows


How do I set a string property as html??

Thanks & Regards

No Data
  • 49378

    Hello Reena,

    I have tested this scenario with IgniteUI 2013.2 but am so far unable to replicate the behavior in question. Attached is my test project for your reference. Please feel free to modify it in order to illustrate the behavior and allow me to examine the matter further.

    Do not hesitate to contact me with any updates or questions.


    igHtmlEditorBindtoModel (2).zip