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Fixed virtualization issues

I am working on a grid with virtualization and we need to be able to drag and drop rows from one place to another in the grid.  We've enabled this by using jQueryUI Sortable and the rows can be moved.  We first used continuous virtualization and when moving a row really far, the row gets dropped as the new set of data is rendered.  I thought to try the fixed virtualization since the rows don't rerender, as per my understanding of the API, however when I switched to fixed it breaks everything else with my grid. In Firefox, the other features I have set for the grid no longer work and rows cannot be dragged.  In IE8 (which is a target for the app we will be making) it throws the error "SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property '0' of undefined or null reference" at infragistics.lob.js, Line: 108, Column: 21741.

When I look in the code it shows "this._virtualDom[i][j].innerHTML=c[j+this._startColIndex].innerHTML" as being the problem.  Drilling down into the object, "this" is referring to the grid.  This is inside your "_renderVirtualRecordsFixed:function()".  It appears that _virtualDom is a two dimensional array of dom elements.  When I examine this array in the console it has a length of 0. 

What is the code trying to do and how can i resolve this error.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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