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connecting Reportplus to Hadoop Hive


i'm trying to connect the application reportplus to a hadoop hive source on the hadoop system implemented in Microsoft Azure.

my Hadoop system is in hortonworks sandbox and i'm not able to connect report plus from my IOS to that hive server.

Does some one have tried it so far? 



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    Hi Sidoine,

    Thank you for your support request!

    We are trying to assess the criticality of this item. It seems that the controller we have for Hadoop is a bit outdated. As far as we know, in order to work in conjunction with Azure, the Hadoop version must be the latest, but we are a bit behind on that. This does not mean that we will not update it, but simply put, it now depends on whether you think this is a top priority or not. Can you develop a bit further on this?

    Kind regards,
