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Counting occurrences of a selected choice from a Sharepoint choice field in a ReportPlus Dashboard


I have a SharePoint list that I am making a dashboard from. In this list, every entry can belong to one or more categories. For example, lets say these categories are A, B, and C. I am trying to count how many times A, B and C were selected and show it in a graph. However the column of can look like this.

ID Category
1 A
2 B
3 A; C

A; C

5 A; B; C
6 C
7 A
8 A

When I load this into ReportPlus, it makes a graph that would count the entries like this.

I would like it to just count how many of A, B, and C there is individually but I cannot seem to find a way to do that. Tried making many different calculated fields with no luck. Wondering if anyone would happen to know.


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    Hi Luke,

    The solution is not a direct one. It would be possible if the data is structured differently, either having the product id to repeat itself one per category, or having one column per category which could work as a boolean to determine if a given product has a category.

    Either way it would be possible to count the occurrences of a category individually.

    Let me also take this opportunity to mention that we have recently launched Reveal, our newest data visualization tool. It can be accessed from mobile, web and desktop seamlessly.

    Take a moment to check it out at With it, having a ReportPlus subscription you can sign right in and start working with it!

    Kind regards,


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