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VB6 and infragistics Listbox control licensing

Hello, I'm currently working on an old application developped in VB6. My first step is trying to make it worked in the old IDE before even trying to upgrade it to a more recent version and

I have the source code and managed to make it work on the VB6 IDE in a windows 7 VM. But I'm not able to create the .exe with the original files because during the process I have the message" infragistics Listbox control - unlicensed copy for demo use only copyright 1999/2000"

I guess the original developper had the license. What files should I search ? I have IGUltraGrid20.ocx ,PVList.ocx and SSTree.ocx that seems to be linked to infragistics and licensed from 2001 to 2002 ?

How can I compile the application nowaday ?