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What configuration do I need to have to build 2016.1 sl source?

Howdy Infragistics,

    I found a neat project that allows you to recompile SL code to web assembly/html5. If I got your controls to work on there we could potentially migrate without a major rewrite.

So I downloaded the infragistics source code and tried to build in VS2013 using debug any cpu, but I am getting issues in that these references are not found

    Reference Include="Microsoft.Windows.Design.Extensibility, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=MSIL"
    Reference Include="Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=MSIL"

If I turn off specific version the Microsoft.Windows.Design.Metadata can't be found.

What configuration do I need to be able to build this sln? Alternately if you guys could build it on Open SL, you could unretire the product and advertise it for SL migrations....

  • 28925
    Offline posted

    Hello Andrew, 

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics.

    You shouldn't need the source code to build 16.1 SL projects, just use our assemblies and avoid any design assemblies for now. As long as you are able to run a blank silverlight project similar to our wpf controls I don't see any issue migrating to a newer platform that accepts this project type. If you can send me a basic project I'll take a look. Bare in mind most of us here at Infragistics moved away entirely from Silverlight so I personally don't have VS 2013 or VS 2015 that accepts Silverlight to run anything at the moment. 

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