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howto combine WARP and other ajax using processes


I use .NET ajax callback mechanism (System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler, GetCallbackEventReference/RegisterClientScriptBlock pair in .NET)  to make some computation update UI smoothly.. and not to use full postbacks.. besides the activities some infragistics control i.e ultrawebgrid, ultrawebtab  etc.  also need to be updated smoothly,  but to perform that I put them in a WARP and use its .refresh()  method.

In the cas above, to run my custom computation , I first kick a  .NET callback to process my custom code (some dbupdates.. some datastructure updates etc..)  and then to transfer the changes to infra controls,  kick second ajax using warp.

Two ajax callbacks getting too much overhead in heavy usage.. To optimize it I need a way tı combine them in one ajax callback..

Is there any way to combine that .NET callback mechanism  with WARP 's one?  or is there a infragistics equivalent  of .NETs GetCallbackEventReference/RegisterClientScriptBlock pair to comprise WAPR or  a WARP useage to comprise the computational callback process defined above..
