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XamComboEditor silverlight netadvantage 10.3 slow when selected item bound


I have a silverlight project in which i have around 3K+ items loaded on a xamcomboeditor. It works perfectly when the item source is bound to an observablecollection. But if i set the selected item programatically, next time i try to drop down, it hands longer (may be 5 secs) before it shows the drop down. Also its hangs when i selected the item in the combo as well.what could be the cause? strange because the only difference is i am setting the selected item to an item in the itemsource programatically. could you please help to figure this out please. I am not sure if any exception is raised by xamcomboeditor, but nothing in the output window. I am using visual studio 2010 and net advantage 10.3. Is there eany service patched available for sl net advantage 10.3?



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