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How to Add Image to the right of First Menu Item like Combobox


We are using XamMenu as our item selection where we can have multiple level of hierarchy. We need to show a dropdown control button to make it look like other dropdowns ( we are using XamComboEditor for other selection).

So how can we add a button like dropdown in right of Menu/Menu Item.


  • 17559
    Hello Imran,
    It has been a while since you made this post and if you still need any assistance on this matter I will be glad to help. Our XamMenu provides build in functionality to show nested hierarchy in its items, so in case you want to achieve hierarchy menu you can just add ne XamMenuItem in the Items collection of any existing XamMenuItem. Furthermore by default we show arrows in the right of the XamMenuItem in order to indicate that it have children hierarchy inside, so you can customize this arrow the way you want. For further reference about this you can check the following link form our sample browser which seems about the same functionality:
    If you still have any further questions on this, please do not hesitate to ask.
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