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Windows 8 - Memory Leak Silverlight (any known issues?)

Hi Guys,

We have been trying to debug a memory leak which only occurs on fresh-install Windows 8 machine and is not present in Windows 7 or in Windows 8 which has been upgraded from Windows 7 (not confirmed, but the one upgraded from Windows 7 doesn't have the problem). The memory leak occurs whenever a user closes out of an Infragistics.Controls.Interactions.xamDialogWindow and the process grows by around 5-10mb every time until it is over 1GB of total memory (after which it usually crashes).

Using ANTS Memory Profiler we found that the Infragistics.Controls.Editors will grow by around 6,000,000 bytes between snapshots. I took a snapshot between every close/open of a xamDialogWindow.
The xamDialogWindow contains children controls such as xamGrids, TextEdit, etc and prior to Windows 8 the controls  & parent form were being disposed correctly. 

The weird thing is that it does not occur on any Windows/iOS OS other than Windows 8. We thought maybe it was a IE 10 issue, but using the same version of Firefox/Chrome/Safari as the Windows 7 machine gave the same results. Hardware wise, there isn't much at all different between the Windows 8 machine and the Windows 7 machine.

I have attached a picture of the ANTS Profiler result summary if it helps.

Does anyone have any ideas? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.



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