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Programmatically enabling and configuring summary rows in XamGrid

I have a context menu item that switches the summary row on and off. I've implemented it via the following:

this.MyXamGrid.SummaryRowSettings.AllowSummaryRow = this.ShowGeneralTotals? SummaryRowLocation.Bottom : SummaryRowLocation.None;

I have a few question related to this.

1. However, when I switch the summary row on, I see the sigma sign on the header. I need to switch the sigma sign off. So that it shouldn't be displayed and the user shouldn't be able to interact with this.

2. In the summary row, I only need to see the total of the column, only the number without any text.

3. When the grouping is switched on, in addition to the summary row of the overall grid, I need a summary row for each group. We were able to implement this in UltraGrid (WinForms) with the enum SummaryDisplayAreas.  However, SummaryRowLocation doesn't have similar values.

Are these items feasible to implement in XamGrid? What is the best way to approach each item?

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