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Sort indicator


I am actually evaluating the latest trial version of the Android set, the grid look full of feature on the code side but i can't figure out some basic UI features.

One of them is regarding the sort feature:

  • If i set a sort programmatically, how can i display an icon on the sorted column header to indicate the status and order to the user ?
    - i understand the the control provide the capability to sort on several columns, and make the UI thing trickier, however let's assume a simple case with only one column sorted -

Thanks !

Edit : based on this blog post it seems possible, hower i can't read about on the doc or found the properties on the code, must i create a Templatecolumn from scratch to implement the UI sorting arrows ?

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    Our samples browser demonstrates the implementation of the sorting indicators. I'm working on getting providing this to you and will update you tomorrow.

    Let me know if you have any questions.
