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Get the Cell/Fiedl that triggered RowUpdating Event

I am using UltraWebGrid from Infragistics for grid functionality in my ASP.NET 4.0 Application. I have enabled inplace editing for few columns in the grid. I wrote the logic for this event as

protected void UltraWebGrid_RowUpdating(object sender, RowUpdatingEventArgs e)

in code behind. Along with this I want to know which cell in the row triggered this event, meaning Updating which field in the row triggered this event. I found we have a Row property for RowUpdatingEventArgs Class but that gets the entire row. I want to know what cell, its column name etc.. in the row was dirty that made this event happen. Any useful pointers on this one?

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  • 165
    posted in reply to Pavan Kanukollu

    Hi  I am using the following code as suggested in Infragistics documentation. In my UltrawebGrid_Init I have 

    "this.UltraWebGrid.Behaviors.EditingCore.Behaviors.CellEditing.CellEditingClientEvents.EnteredEditMode = "UltraWebGrid_EnteringCellEditMode";

    On the client side(in .aspx) I have the Javascript..

    function UltraWebGrid_EnteringCellEditMode(sender, e) {
    var cell = e.getCell();
    var column = cell.get_column();
    alert('Cell=' + cell + 'column=' + column);

    but the alert box in the above function always displays '[object] [object]'

    Why is it so? what am I missing here?
