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WebHtmlEditor -13.1 is creating performance issue in IE11 browser(Note : In server side we forced to render our application in IE9 browser mode)

.Net(4.0- Framework): Issue:1: We have a home.ascx file inside this file we used 108 webhtmleditor. For page loading/rendering itself very slow and user is typing a commnets and clicking on save button ,It's keep on clocking(processing) to save the data more than 30 minutes of time. I tried in server side to set viewstate property set as disable for those controls but no luck. Although , I added BrowserTarget="UpLevel" property for all webhtmleditor in that .ascx file (In my system its working fine and saving the data in 3 mins). But in my teammate machine it's not working browser is saying there is no enough memory to process.  It's very urgent issue. COuld you please suggest the best solution. Am anticipating your response. Thanks in advance.

Issue 2: While copy pasting into webhtmleditor we are seeing html tags and along with data. how to overcome this issue in IE11 browser.

Please provide the code snippet for both the issues. 

  • 2671
    Offline posted


    Posting here for future reference.

    We have further investigated the initialization performance issue with IE11 (value submission time described above are almost certainly caused by the page reloading again after).

    Through profiling we have determined the root cause to the in the native offsetHeight used for height adjustments. My best guess is requesting this height causes IE11 to do an excessive amount of extra calculations and quite likely multiple re-renders, which might also explain the large amounts of memory reserved.

    The calculations done are however required to properly size the control and editable area, so those cannot be completely avoided and usually yield minimal difference in common scenarios. We might consider other options for determining the effective height of the parts of the editor, however I see reports for the equivalent getBoundingClientRect also suffering similar problems . In the meantime, as this is an urgent issue for you I tested a simple workaround that usually helps in such cases – hiding the editors until they are initialized:


        <form id="form1" runat="server">

        <div id="editorsContainer" style="display:none">

            <ig:WebScriptManager ID="WebScriptManager1" runat="server"></ig:WebScriptManager>

            <ighedit:WebHtmlEditor ID="WebHtmlEditor1" runat="server"></ighedit:WebHtmlEditor>

            <ighedit:WebHtmlEditor ID="WebHtmlEditor2" runat="server"></ighedit:WebHtmlEditor>

            <%-- .... --%>

            <ighedit:WebHtmlEditor ID="WebHtmlEditor108" runat="server"></ighedit:WebHtmlEditor>

            <button type="submit">Save</button>



        <script type="text/javascript">

            function showEditors() {

                document.getElementById("editorsContainer").style.display = "";



            //window.onload = showEditors;



    Note that you can hide and show the container in any way you see fit, this is just to illustrate. The only requirements is that it is shown after the editors are done initializing – their scripts are rendered at the end of the form tag so a script right after that is just in the right place, but you can also use the window load event or jQuery ready if you'd like.

    From the results I can say the browser definitely re-renders, as the load time for 108 editors in IE11 went from the range of 2+ minutes to... about 11 seconds which is comparable to the 7-8s or so it takes in Chrome. Saving values was just as fast and memory usage was fairly low too, though I'd still recommend anything that would reduce the amount of controls on a single page.

    We will continue to look into this issue and attempt to find a solution in our code but as this is a third party issue with one specific browser and rather large set of controls, there might be no straight forward solution if any.

    As for the second part – can you provide a little more details - What content is being copied and how? The only reason to be seeing html tags in the editor itself if you paste HTML source text in the first place (otherwise the default paste would produce a WYSIWYG style copy content).


    Damyan Petev

    Associate Software Developer

    Infragistics, Inc.

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