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Howto : Refresh grid client-side?

I want to refresh the data the grid is displaying. Does the grid provide a client side function to refresh itself using AJAX?

  • 28464


    I am going through the help file for CSOM (client-side object model) for WebDataGrid and unfortunately am not able to find a client-side method for that.

    Still, in most cases if we assume that you have wrapped your WebDataGrid inside an UpdatePanel, you can just have a button inside the ContentTemplate of the update panel (let's have its ID="RefreshButton") - then you can refresh the whole UpdatePanel with

    <script type="text/javascript">

    function RunThisAfterAsyncPostback()
        document.getElementById("<%= RefreshButton.ClientID %>").click();


    you can hide the button by setting its style / CssClass to have negative top / left properties ot display:none / visibility: hidden

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