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WebCurrencyEdit control changing value

Hi All

I am using WebCurrencyEdit control in web form. I have following statement to create control:



igtxt:WebCurrencyEdit ID="itxtEntOC" runat="server" Width="160px" MaxLength="19" MinDecimalPlaces="Two" CssClass="INPUTThinBorder" NullText=""></igtxt:WebCurrencyEdit>

On the UI when I enter value 8888888888888888.88 and tab out, it changes value to 8888888888888889.00. Also when I enter 1111111111111111111 and tabout it is changing value to 100000000000000000.00
Since its a currency value any such changes are saved unnoticed is disaster for application.

Any help fixing this issue. Also on "Page_Onload" event I setting NumberFormat, but this issue existed even without doing that.


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