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Scrollbar Flicker

This is tough to explain.

When I click an ExplorerBarItem,  the entire WebExplorerBar control shifts to the left briefly (while the postback is happening) and then repositions itself to how it should be.

I think I know what's happening: The width it shifts to the left looks like the width of the scrollbar, but you don't actually see a scrollbar. In other words, I think the scrollbar is pushing the content to the left briefly while it tries to determine if it needs a scrollbar. But on the postback I'm rebuilding the contents of the WebExplorerBar, so it goes away. 

I'm trying to stop this from happening.

Another example is when you click on a disabled ExplorerBarItem; the push to the left happens but it stays in that state because there's no postback. From this we know it's client-side behavior.

I'm using NetAdvantage, Version=13.1.20131.2157

Is this possible? Any help appreciated.
