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I can not get the igtbl_getCellById of a cell of a webdatagrid infragistics v11

I'm migrating a UltraWebGrid to webdatagrid v11.2 but I can not get the igtbl_getCellById of a cell of a webdatagrid infragistics v11. and link it to a similar reference is disabled help please

function ClickBTabla(gridName, cellId)

var cell = igtbl_getCellById(cellId); //aqui genera el error (Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected)
var renglon = igtbl_getRowById(cellId);




//mostrar otro formulario


Parents Reply
  • 355
    posted in reply to Hristo Anastasov

    Hello Hristo A

    Thank you very much your code very well explained
    but I can not get only the Key to save my variable since it eg with Webdatamenu I get it so ...

    var mykey = eventArgs.getItem () get_key ().;

    using and crossing data clickedObject of the function that you recommended me to use if I can visualize this key but not how to remove ...
    Also similarly would get the getCellFromKey of eventArgs and get.value

    I appreciate your kind attention and again apologize for any inconvenience this may generarte
