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Border between the images


i use VS2010 Prof. SP1, NetAdvantage 11.1 in an ASP.Net 4.0 Application.

With the following code i try to realize a slidshow.

<ig:WebImageViewer ID="wiv_Galerie" runat="server"
 DataSourceID="sql_DS_Galerie" Header-Visible="False"
        ScrollAnimations-Type="NextItem" ClientEvents-Initialize="wiv_Galerie_Init"
        BorderStyle="None" CssClass="fluid-placeholder">
        <ImageItemBinding AltTextField="Text" ImageUrlField="ImageUrl"
        NavigateUrlFields="NavigateUrl" ToolTipField="ToolTip" TargetField="Target" />

 <ScrollAnimations Type="Continuous">
        <Continuous EquationType="Linear" Duration="0" MaxSpeed="5" /> </ScrollAnimations>

 <ClientEvents Initialize="wiv_Galerie_Init"></ClientEvents>

<script type="text/javascript">

        var iv = null;

        function wiv_Galerie_Init(sender, args) {
            iv = sender;
            window.setInterval("iv.navigateNext();", 3000);

The Info for the image-collection bind via datasource (only the filename is in the database).

It is all ok but how can i place a frame around each image, so that i can visualize a separator between the images?

An additional problem is a little 'flickering' if the immages flow from right to left. How can i get a smooth transition?

Thanks for reply


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