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Milestone shape and color


Is there any way to make milestones from an icon?

What about at least changing the color of the default ones(per individual milestone instance)?

  • 21795
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Florin,

    Thank you for posting in our forum.

    Yes, you can set the appearance of the milestone indicator. This allows you to set an image, back color, fore color, borders and so on, all the properties exposed by Appearance class. More about Appearance class you may find by following the next link

    The appearance of milestone indicator is exposed through BarSettingsMilestone property of TimelineSettings of the task. You can use code like this to set the back color or the image of the milestone indicator:

    //  Set back color to red

    MyTask.TimelineSettings.BarSettingsMilestone.EndIndicatorAppearance.BackColor = Color.Red;

    //  Set the image to some custom image

    MyTask.TimelineSettings.BarSettingsMilestone.EndIndicatorAppearance.Image = MyImage;

    Please let me know if you need any additional information.

    Thank you for using Infragistics Controls.

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