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Dropdown in ultra grid will not close on lostfocus

Dropdown inside ultragrid stays open unless you click on another control inside the ultragrid band.  I have been told this is a known issue.  I have tried using ultraGridFilters.PerformAction(Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridAction.ExitEditMode); in

ultraGridFilters_AfterSelectChange,  ultraGridFilters_ClickCell,  ultraGridFilters_BeforeExitEditMode  How could I cycle through all the row/cells and close the dropdown on lost focus?  For some reason I could insert an image.

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    Hi Janaka,

    Thank you for posting in our forums!

    Please let me know what is your expectation about the behavior of the DropDown. In case you select an item or click outside of the DropDown’s area it will automatically close its list of items. Can you provide me with steps that describe how the DropDown loses focus and its list of items stays opened? Do you use the latest version of Infragistics Windows Forms Components?

    The answer to your question might be this line of code.

    In addition, I created a small sample project for you. Please try to modify it, in order to navigate me through steps to reproduce. You can also attach an image file of your application as well.