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How to set TabGroup tab area Height in code

We have an UltraTabbedMdi with 3 TabGroups with orientation = Horizontal.  We want to be able to set the Height and Width of the tab area (not the tab itself, the whole form) of the TabGroups in code.  Is this possible?

  • 21795
    Offline posted

    Hello Mark,

    What you can do to enlarge the size of tab area is to set some margins to it. To do so you need to set TabAreaMargins of TabGroupSettings like this:

    var tabGroupSettings = this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.TabGroupSettings;

    //  Set tab area margins to add some space between tab area border
    //  and tabs
    var tabAreaMargins = tabGroupSettings.TabAreaMargins;
    tabAreaMargins.Top = 20;
    tabAreaMargins.Left = 20;
    tabAreaMargins.Right = 20;
    tabAreaMargins.Bottom = 20;

    Please note that under the tabs we are drawing a line and some padding by default. We achieve this by drawing two UIElements - TabLineUIElement for the line and TabClientAreaEdgeUIElement for the padding. Right now there is now build in property or method to set the appearance of these elements. If you need some space under the tabs you need to force these elements to stop draw themselves. You can achieve this by implementing DrawFilter. In the attached sample project I have implement this approach for you.

    Please check my sample and let me know if this is what you are looking for or if I am missing something.
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