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How to keep a child WorksheetRow Expanded when exporting data from multiple band UltraGrid to Excel


Is there a way to keep a child WorksheetRow expanded but its parent is not expanded when data are exported to Excel?

I attached an image to show what I would like to achieve.

  • Figure 1 shows the expected data in Excel when row 1, 2 and 3 are expanded originally in UltraGrid.
  • Figure 2 shows the expected data in Excel after row 1 is collapsed in UltraGrid; and data will become as shown as in Figure 1 if row 1 is expanded in Excel.
  • Figure 3 show the unexpected data in Excel after row 1 is collapsed in UltraGrid.

Row 1 in the root band is collapsed, the child row 2 and row 3 in two different child bands are expanded.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,

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  • 4625
    Offline posted

    Hi Shaolin,

    UltraGridExcelExport has event called ExportEnding where you can hide or show explicitly every one of the rows in each child band. In my simplified sample, I expand all rows in all child bands and when I collapse in Excel the first row of the root band, the result I get is equal to the expected image in your initial post.

    Look at the attached sample and let me know if it navigates you toward the right direction. Of course, let me know if you have any additional questions.