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UltraDataChart with CategoryDateTimeXAxis labels

Cannot for the life of me get the labels for the X axis to show.  Please help!

Have this code in a WPF window, but tried from a Form as well:

public class Something
        public DateTime d { get; set; }
        public decimal s { get; set; }

    public partial class InfraWinformChart : Window
        private UltraDataChart chart = new UltraDataChart();

        public InfraWinformChart()

            List list = new List() { new Something() { s = 1, d = DateTime.Now }, new Something() { s = 2, d = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromDays(2) } };
            CategoryDateTimeXAxis xAxis = new CategoryDateTimeXAxis() {
                DataSource = list,
                DateTimeMemberPath = "d",
                Label = "d"

            NumericYAxis yAxis = new NumericYAxis() {

            LineSeries series = new LineSeries() {
                XAxis = xAxis,
                YAxis = yAxis,
                ValueMemberPath = "s",
                DataSource = list,



            winformHost.Child = chart;

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