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Set maximum header height in ultraGrid while WrapHeaderText is true

I have set the 'Colheaderlines' to '2' and 'WrapHeaderText 'to 'true'. What I want is for it to wrap the text onto the next line if it don't fit in single line. However, if the text don't fit in two lines as well, then it should truncate the text. I found one similar question. Following is the link for same:

Under this I see that solution for this has been taken up as a product idea. Could you please tell if that has been implemented or is there any other workaround for the same?

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    Hello Rashi,

    Thank you for contacting infragistics support.

    It looks like we didn’t get much vote for this request and that is why this product idea has never been implemented.

    Please let me know if you need further assistance on this matter.
