I'm looking for a complete sample on how to connect to SQL Server (specific table) with ADOMD and use this as DataSource for a WinPivotGrid.
Can you please explain the steps and provide a sample.
Thank you very much
Take a look at this thread:https://www.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ultimate-ui-for-windows-forms/118862/creating-flatdatasource-from-datatable-dynamically-and-use-it-in-pivotgrid
Hello Michael - is there a way to bind a DataTable with UltraPivotGrid - none of the links you mentioned above seems to have that. I may have missed it somewhere? FlatDataSource needs IEnumerable items source - as such DataTable cannot be stitched with it - do we need strongly typed datasources to work with pivot grid?
Estimado, estoy usando procedimiento almacenado con parámetros, como puedo enlazarlo al pivotgrid. uso windowsforms
Hello Tom,
Binding the Windows Forms WinPivotGrid works the same manner, but there is a FlatDataSourceInitialSettings.
For more details please visit our online documentation for the WinPivotGrids's FlatDataSource
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you but that doesn't work, maybe becuase I'm working with WinForms (not WPF/XAM).
FlatDataConnectionSettings is not available!?