
Using FlatDataSource

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to use the FlatDataSource class for displaying IEnumerable data in the WinPivotGrid™.

Application Requirements

Start with a Windows Forms project.

Ensure that your application is created based on .Net Framework 4 , not .Net Framework 4 Client Profile that does not include System.Web.Extensions .

Using FlatDataSource


FlatDataSource class obtains its data from an IEnumerable implementation, which encapsulates a list of items, each item referencing an instance of a .NET class. FlatDataSource can be seen as a special data adapter using 2-dimentional ( IEnumerable ) data and display it structured as cubes for pivot grid.


To complete the procedure you need the following:

Requirement category Requirement listing















Add the following Using/Imports statement in your application form:




Code Example

Conceptual Overview

Unlike the XmlaDataSource and AdomdDataSource classes, which obtain their respective schemas from the OLAP server to which they are connected, a consumer of the FlatDataSource class must define the schema manually.

A FlatDataSource instance requires a reference to an IEnumerable implementation, which contains a homogeneous list of standard .NET objects.

This section describes the process which makes it possible to simulate the OLAP experience using 2-dimensioanl data. In this exercise we will use a class named SportsData , with a structure as outlined in the following table:

Property Data Type Description



Name of the country



Name of the city



Name of the type of sport



Allocated budget



Player’s name



The date the competition takes place

When a FlatDataSource is instantiated with a reference to the List<SportsData> and calls the GenerateCube method, the following sequence of events take place:

  1. A list of PropertyDescriptor objects describing the publicly exposed properties for that class is obtained via the TypeDescriptor.GetProperties method.

  2. The property descriptor list is iterated.

  3. Each property of a numeric type (in this example, the “Budget” and “Players” members) triggers creation of a MeasureDescriptor, which defines the schematic attributes of the resulting Measures which can appear on the measures slice of the cube.

  4. Each property of a non-numeric type (in this example, the “Nation”, “City” and “Sport” members) triggers creation of a HierarchyDescriptor, which defines the schematic attributes of the resulting Hierarchies which can appear on the row, column, or filter dimensions.

  5. For each HierarchyDescriptor a corresponding LevelDescriptor objects of the HierarchyDescriptor are generated.

    • Non-numeric members are represented by two levels that are generated as “All Member” level and default level. Headers for the “All Member” level are expandable, and allow to show or hide the headers which represent data members of that dimension on a default level.

    • DateTime member is represented by three levels, generated as: (1) for the year, (2) for the month, and (3) for the date. Expanding the year will show one or more months, each of which is also expandable. Finally, expanding a month header shows the dates in that month.

  6. After execution returns from the GenerateCube method you need to call InitializeAsync method, and bind the UltraPivotGrid control to the data.


To complete the implementation with the following code example, you need to copy the Sample FlatDataSource to your project.

In C#:

using System;
using Infragistics.Olap;
using Infragistics.Olap.FlatData;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace PivotGrid_FlatDataBinding
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
            Load += SampleForm_Load;
        private void SampleForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FlatDataSource ds = InitializePivotData();
            // Generate cubes and call "InitializeAsync" method passing the control the data is bound to.
            var parameters = new CubeGenerationParameters();
            // Bind the PivotGrid and DataSelector to data.
            ultraPivotGrid1.DataSource = ds;
            olapDataSelector1.DataSource = ds;
            // Optinally, set compact mode on PivotGrid
            ultraPivotGrid1.RowHeaderLayout = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinPivotGrid.RowHeaderLayout.Compact;
        public FlatDataSource InitializePivotData()
            // Initialize the data
            SampleFlatData data = new SampleFlatData();
            IEnumerable<SportsData> itemSource = data.InitSportsData();
            // Use "FlatDataSourceInitialSettings" object to initialize Hierarchies and Measures
            var settings = new FlatDataSourceInitialSettings();
            settings.Rows = "[SportsData].[Nation], [SportsData].[Date]";
            settings.Columns = "[SportsData].[Sport]";
            settings.Measures = "[Measures].[Budget]";
            // Create an instance of the FlatDataSource
            var ds = new FlatDataSource(itemSource, typeof(SportsData), settings);
            // Initialize Hierarchy Descriptor
            ds.InitializeHierarchyDescriptor += ds_InitializeHierarchyDescriptor;
            // Initialize Measure Descriptor
            ds.InitializeMeasureDescriptor += ds_InitializeMeasureDescriptor;
            // Aggregate measures to produce totals
            ds.AggregateMeasure += ds_AggregateMeasure;
            return ds;
        void ds_InitializeHierarchyDescriptor(object sender, InitializeHierarchyDescriptorEventArgs e)
            LevelDescriptor level;
            if (e.HierarchyDescriptor.LevelDescriptors.TryGetItem("all", out level))
                switch (e.HierarchyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptor.Name)
                    case "Nation":
                        level.MemberProvider = item => "All Nations";
                    case "City":
                        level.MemberProvider = item => "All Cities";
                    case "Sport":
                        level.MemberProvider = item => "All Sports";
        void ds_InitializeMeasureDescriptor(object sender, InitializeMeasureDescriptorEventArgs e)
            if (e.MeasureDescriptor.Name == "Budget")
                e.MeasureDescriptor.DisplayFormat = "$#";
                e.MeasureDescriptor.Aggregation = MeasureAggregation.Average;
        void ds_AggregateMeasure(object sender, AggregateMeasureEventArgs e)
            if (e.MeasureDescriptor.Name == "Budget")
                double total = 0f;
                double count = 0f;
                foreach (object o in e.Items)
                    var item = o as SportsData;
                    if (item != null)
                        total += item.Budget;
                    count += 1f;
                e.Value = total / count;
                e.Handled = true;

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Olap
Imports Infragistics.Olap.FlatData
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Namespace PivotGrid_FlatDataBinding
      Public Partial Class Form1
            Inherits Form
            Public Sub New()
                  AddHandler Load, AddressOf SampleForm_Load
            End Sub
            Private Sub SampleForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
                  Dim ds As FlatDataSource = InitializePivotData()
                  ' Generate cubes and call "InitializeAsync" method passing the control the data is bound to.
                  Dim parameters = New CubeGenerationParameters()
                  ' Bind the PivotGrid and DataSelector to data.
                  ultraPivotGrid1.DataSource = ds
                  olapDataSelector1.DataSource = ds
                  ' Optinally, set compact mode on PivotGrid
                  ultraPivotGrid1.RowHeaderLayout = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinPivotGrid.RowHeaderLayout.Compact
            End Sub
            Public Function InitializePivotData() As FlatDataSource
                  ' Initialize the data
                  Dim data As New SampleFlatData()
                  Dim itemSource As IEnumerable(Of SportsData) = data.InitSportsData()
                  ' Use "FlatDataSourceInitialSettings" object to initialize Hierarchies and Measures
                  Dim settings = New FlatDataSourceInitialSettings()
                  settings.Rows = "[SportsData].[Nation], [SportsData].[Date]"
                  settings.Columns = "[SportsData].[Sport]"
                  settings.Measures = "[Measures].[Budget]"
                  ' Create an instance of the FlatDataSource
                  Dim ds = New FlatDataSource(itemSource, GetType(SportsData), settings)
                  ' Initialize Hierarchy Descriptor
                  AddHandler ds.InitializeHierarchyDescriptor, AddressOf ds_InitializeHierarchyDescriptor
                  ' Initialize Measure Descriptor
                  AddHandler ds.InitializeMeasureDescriptor, AddressOf ds_InitializeMeasureDescriptor
                  ' Aggregate measures to produce totals
                  AddHandler ds.AggregateMeasure, AddressOf ds_AggregateMeasure
                  Return ds
            End Function
            Private Sub ds_InitializeHierarchyDescriptor(sender As Object, e As InitializeHierarchyDescriptorEventArgs)
                  Dim level As LevelDescriptor
                  If e.HierarchyDescriptor.LevelDescriptors.TryGetItem("all", level) Then
                        Select Case e.HierarchyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptor.Name
                              Case "Nation"
                                    level.MemberProvider = Function(item) "All Nations"
                                    Exit Select
                              Case "City"
                                    level.MemberProvider = Function(item) "All Cities"
                                    Exit Select
                              Case "Sport"
                                    level.MemberProvider = Function(item) "All Sports"
                                    Exit Select
                        End Select
                  End If
            End Sub
            Private Sub ds_InitializeMeasureDescriptor(sender As Object, e As InitializeMeasureDescriptorEventArgs)
                  If e.MeasureDescriptor.Name = "Budget" Then
                        e.MeasureDescriptor.DisplayFormat = "$#"
                        e.MeasureDescriptor.Aggregation = MeasureAggregation.Average
                  End If
            End Sub
            Private Sub ds_AggregateMeasure(sender As Object, e As AggregateMeasureEventArgs)
                  If e.MeasureDescriptor.Name = "Budget" Then
                        Dim total As Double = 0F
                        Dim count As Double = 0F
                        For Each o As Object In e.Items
                              Dim item = TryCast(o, SportsData)
                              If item IsNot Nothing Then
                                    total += item.Budget
                              End If
                              count += 1F
                        e.Value = total / count
                        e.Handled = True
                  End If
            End Sub
      End Class
End Namespace

Adding OlapDataSelector


Although a separate control, the data selector OlapDataSelector, Similar to the MdxDataSelector, is an essential mechanism for the WinPivotGrid control when used with FlatDataSource. Binding the data selector to the same data source as the pivot grid, the WinPivotGrid displays the list of dimensions and measures that the user can interact with at runtime by adding them to the pivot grid.


If the data selector is not present at runtime, you will not be able to add the dimensions. You can only remove them from the pivot grid.

Adding OlapDataSelector 1.png

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This section contains topics covering the WinPivotGrid™ control for Infragistics® Windows Forms®.

This topic explains and demonstrates the WinPivotGrid™ data binding using XMLA data Source/Provider.

This topic explains and demonstrates the WinPivotGrid™ data binding to ADOMD data Source/Provider.

This topic explains and demonstrates the FlatDataSource DataAdapter classes to easily bind to the WinPivotGrid.