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button tool background color is set a shade lighter after use.


I am using a UltraToolbarsManager with some button tools.

I have the background color of the toolbar and the buttons set to 153, 153., 153. in the AppStylist.

When clicking on the button tools they load up different dialogs. While the dialogs are open, the button tool is its normal background color. After I close the dialog, the button tool turns a slightly lighter shade of the background color. When I hot track over the button tool, it resets back to its regular background color after leaving hot track mode. I am not able to reproduce this in the AppStylist. I would like the buttons to stay the normal background color after I close the dialog. I am at a loss on how this is happening. Any insight would be appreciated.

I have inserted an image of the button color after the dialog is closed.



  • 18204
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Harlan,

    Thank you for posting in our forums!

    We suspect this is occurring due to the dialogs preventing the proper mouse messages from being sent to the button.

    Please try opening your dialogs with BeginInvoke() and let me know if this helps.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Michael H.
    Software Developer
    Infragistics, Inc.