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UltraGanttView exception on dispose

Please see attached sample project at end of post.

Trying to setup projects tasks using Add methods instead of using a datasource seems to cause the Gantt view to throw an exception when disposing.

Is it just how the data for gantt is populated?

Infragistics verion: 16.1.20161.2156

Visual Studio version: 15.6.6

Sample reproduction steps:

Click open button, then click close button.

Commentting out "ultraGanttView1.Project = project;" stops the exception but then the task is not displayed.

No Data
  • 12480
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    I have investigated your issue and I have asked our engineering staff to examine it further. To ensure that it will receive attention, I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of 252462. This will be assigned to a developer in a future sprint to review my investigation and confirm my findings or to offer a fix or other resolution.

    I have opened CAS-195346-W5F3K0 in connection with this thread and linked it to the above development issue. You can view the status of the development issue by selecting the "Development Issues" tab when viewing the support case on the Support Activity page.

    Please let me know if you need more information.
