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C# Ultraganttview Start and Endtime from Database


I have a project with Ultraganttview and UltracalendarInfo.

Everything is okay but the Start Date and Finish Date is wrong. It always takes the date from today and not the days from my database. 

this.ultraCalendarInfo1.DataBindingsForTasks.StartDateTimeMember is set to my column but it won't work.

How can I do it that start and end date is taken from my database?


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  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Marvin,

    I have been investigating into this behavior you are reporting, and there are quite a few things that could be at work here. Without seeing any code, the best recommendation that I can make here is to ensure that the Project that you are assigning to your UltraGanttView has its StartDate set accordingly, otherwise today's date will be what is used and all of the Tasks will be reformatted to be based on today's date as well.

    If this does not work or you are already setting the StartDate of your Project, then would it be possible for you to please include the code that you are using to set up your UltraGanttView project and its tasks so I may be able to offer a more definite answer on this matter?

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
