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Can't get the non-public property filterRowOperatorValue of the grid column filter

we allow users of one of our applications to save custom views of the grid and this includes modifying the default filter operator (without necessarily requiring them to be filtering at the time). When they save the view I need to find the current state of the operator. I can see this in debug and have screwed around with Reflection to try and get to the value but thus far have not gotten what I neeed. I have to believe there is a simpler answer.

  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Paul, 

    I'm a little confused about exactly what you are trying to get here. What is this object that we are looking at in the screen shot? 

    The default operator for every filter cell is set on the Override: 

    this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.FilterOperatorDefaultValue = FilterOperatorDefaultValue.Contains;

    So that would be the filter operator used in every cell of the filter row if the user has not changed it by dropping down the operator list and choosing a different operator for that cell. 

    Is that what you need? Or are you saying that the user has dropped down the list and chosen an operator in a particular filter cell and you want to get that? I'm pretty sure that's not exposed anywhere publicly. And I'm not sure if it can be accessed via reflection. It would be pretty tricky. 

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