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Infragistics.Documents.Reports PDF does not display full detail content

we are using Infragistics.Documents.Reports and we observed that while generating report PDF - our contents are getting truncated if those are more than 2 pages in the  grid. It shows total 3 page report where 3rd page displays with footer information and 1st page displays header part and detail report part and 2nd page also displays detail part. Data are coming properly as if i decrease padding then it shows me some of the truncated data which could fit into 2nd page but after 2nd page - it won't show any remaining data of the detail.

Any way to identify or recalculate page generation logic of the content if its now generating enough pages then can we generate explicitly but for that we need to know how many pages would be required to show this content and build up that logic as well..

any solution is recommended.

  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Mosam,

    Thank you for your post.

    Ultragrid dosent have page functionality so may I know how did you set the grid in two pages and then trying to export that into pdf.

    Is the issue occur only after decrease padding ?
    In order to understand the issue I set up a basic sample of Ultragrid pdf exporting, I would like you to modify the sample , help me reproducing the issue or send a small sample project of your own if you have one.

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