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Adding derived tab pages at Design Time

Code below is a Design Time code.

It allows to add my tab pages to the tab control inherited from UltraTabControl. 

Design Time behavior sufficient so far, but not perfect ( until I click on first-tab-page, click does not do same for second tab page ).

Anything else has to be done to set up tab page or tab control or tab  for all this to work properly at Design and Run Time ?

UltraTab myTab =
new UltraTab();
myTab.Text = "My Tab";

myTab.TabPage = new MyTabPage();



Where :

public class MyTabPage : Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl.UltraTabPageControl


public class MyTabControl: Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl.UltraTabControl

 Thank you


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