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UltraGrid columns sort order is different than Datatable column sort order. Why ?

I create a datatable and assign it to UltraGrid datasource. The sort order from datatable is not preserved.

e.g. Datatable column sort order (col1, col2, col3). UltraGrid Column sort order (col1, col3, col2).

I want to preserve the UltraGrid column sort order to the sort order in DataTable

e.g. Datatable column sort order (col1, col2, col3).UltraGrid Column sort order (col1, col2, col3).

Please advice

---------------------------------------Here is the code i use.---------------------------

            DataTable _table = new DataTable();

            for (int i = 0; i < _colKeys.Length; i++)
                if (!_table.Columns.Contains(_colKeys[i]))
                    _table.Columns.Add(_colKeys[i], typeof(string));
                    _table.Columns[_colKeys[i]].Caption = _colNames[i];

            _table.Rows.Add(_table.NewRow());   // Value row
            _table.Rows.Add(_table.NewRow());   // NAV row
            _mSummaryGrid.DataSource = _table;

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  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    The grid displays the columns in the order in which the DotNet BindingManager returns them. I've never seen a case where this is different from the actual data source - assuming the data source has an actual order, which a DataTable certainly does.

    So the only way this could happen is if something in your code is rearranging the columns in the grid, either in code or by loading a Layout into the grid.
