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How to get default Excel Filter behaviour to Ultragid Filters?

Consider below example:

In Ultragrid  if column 2 is dependent  on Column 1 Values , 

and if we filter column 1 then column 2 get automatically filtered , -(this is correct)

but on click of "Filter" of Column 2 ,still we are able to access all values of column 2 (irrespective of  value selected in column 1)

This is not as per default Excel filter bahaviour.

please suggest that how can we get default Excel filteration behaviour in Infragestics UltraGrid.


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  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    I tested this out and it appears to work just fine for me. The second filter dropdown displays only values that are still visible in the list and not not contain any values that were filtered out as a result of the filter on the other column.

    Perhaps you are using an old version of the grid that had a bug. Or maybe there is some setting that is changing this behavior, although I am unable to find any such setting.

    Can you duplicate this in a small sample project?

