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Gantt timespan items do not snap to their X-Axis date/time values

I'm using the provided GanttDataSource class as the datasource for my Gantt Chart.  I manually create GanttSeries, GanttItem, and GanttTimeEntry objects with data provided by custom business classes, and add them to the GanttDataSource.  When I bind my GanttChart to the GanttDataSource, the box primitives, representing gantt item time spans, do not line-up with the chart dates displayed upon the x-axis.  Also, I haven't been able to get the Series labels to display upon the y-axis.  Box primitives and Series labels display properly, if the design-time chart designer is used to manually enter Series, Item, and Time data.

I've tried manipulating the x-axis Extent and ScrollScale properties, but this has had no effect. 

Does anyone know what might be causing the box primitives to not line-up with the x-axis?

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     try setting Axis.X.TimeAxisStyle.TimeAxisStyle = Discrete.  that should make labels line up with actual data values on the X-axis.

     as for series labels on the Y axis... they should just display if you have the Label property of each GanttSeries set.  does increasing the Y axis extent show them?
