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timelineview add app to owner from code


i try to add some appointments to owners but always i can see them on the group unassigned.

i do this:

Dim inizio As Date = Today

Dim fine As Date = DateTime.Parse("23/01/2011")

Dim own1 As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Owner = UltraTimelineView1.CalendarInfo.Owners.Add("pippo")

own1.CalendarInfo.Appointments.Add(inizio, fine, "ambaraba")

I can see the owner pippo in the timeline view but the appointment is on the group unassigned



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  • 69832
    Verified Answer
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    own1.CalendarInfo.Appointments references the main Appointments collection, so your code is not associating the appointment with the owner as you seem to expect. You can add the appointment using UltraTimelineView1.CalendarInfo.Appointments.Add, and then set the Owner property on the Appointment object returned from the Add method.
