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How to Add ImageButton to UltraWinGrid cells.



I am new user to Infragistics. It is great tool but need know how  to get things solved.

I want to use ImageButton with  UltraWinGrid with Event handler.

I tried using CellButtonUIElement with UltraWingrid by call  CreateFilter using Before and After function.

Actually What I am looking for is .

How can I add a button to column cell. I dont want button style cell.

But a real button with all the activities I can do with it.

Thanks in Advance











  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted


        Okay, it sounds like you want a button and text in the same cell. The easiest way to do this is to set the Style of the column to EditButton. Then you handle the CellButtonClick event of the grid to trap the button click. 

        To apply an image to the button, you would use the CellButtonAppearance.Image property.

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