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UltraWinGrid HotTrackRowAppearance is overridden by Row.Appearance

I’m working with an UltraWinGrid and have set DisplayLayout.Override.HotTrackRowAppearance.BackColor.  I’m also trying to set certain rows’ BackColors to a different color to differentiate them as special data, but I still want the HotTracking - i.e. I want the HotTrackRowAppearance.BackColor to override the Row.Appearance.BackColor when the mouse hovers over those rows.  Currently I’m using grid_InitializeRow() to check for the category of data and set the row color accordingly, but when I do that the HotTrack color doesn’t show up.  I tried re-setting the HotTrackRowAppearance in grid_InitializeRow(), but that doesn't seem to make a difference. I also tried the ActiveRowAppearance, but that only changed the selected rows, not the mouse-hover rows.

Any ideas?

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    If you are setting the Row.Appearance.BackColor, then I think this will always override the HotTrackRowAppearance.

    But what you can do is, instead of setting HotTrackRowAppearance, set HotTrackCellAppearance. Since the cell is more specific than the row, the HotTrackCellAppearance will override the row.Appearance.
